Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 7:30
(following our all-church potluck)
2024 Wyoming Creation Tour Retrospective
Young men and women are the inheritors of whatever we leave them, our values and legacies, as well as our worship. They are the "heirs of all ages," and if they know Jesus, they are co-heirs with Him in the Kingdom of God. As Christians, part of our job is to "train up [our children] in the way they ought to go," to equip and prepare them for adulthood to become the husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, examples of following Christ for a new generation, to carry on a steadfast heritage of Christian culture in their home, church, and community. At Inheritors, we spend time in our Bibles, read, journal, discuss, and fellowship.
is our church's weekly gathering of teens and young adults for time in the Word, time in friendship, and time to deepen our and we would love to have you join us!
Know their Savior
Memorize their Scripture
Defend their Faith
Fellowship with Friends
Love with Joy
Face their future with Blessed Assurance